use "bent" in a sentence ... Bent concrete pylons and a few scattered horseshoes remained on the home's limestone slab. 382 more results not shown. coarse ...
Use Caves in a sentence | Caves sentence examples. How to use Caves in a sentence. ... raub limestone diagram. limestone caves examples; stone suppliers limestone.
Learn how to use words in English by example. Here are some example sentences for "lime".
A Limestone County judge has decided to re-sentence a convicted rapist whose lack of jail time had sparked public outcry.
quarry definition: The definition of a ... quarry quar·ry. Use quarry in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. ... A site for mining stone, limestone or slate.
Lime green definition: Something that is lime green is light yellowish-green in colour. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Use limestone in a sentence. a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium carbonate, often composed of the organic remains of sea animals, as mollusks, corals, etc., and used as building stone, a source of lime, etc.: when crystallized by heat and pressure it becomes marble. noun.
The Delaware Limestone of Middle Devonian age crops out along two belts in southwestern Ontario. All but one of the major outcrops studied occur in the easternmost .
Lime-tree sentence examples. Journalists, people who enjoy word games, and those taking online classes might especially like this page. The lines of text below use ...
Learn how to use words in English by example. Here are some example sentences for "limestone".
Limestone definition, a sedimentary rock consisting predominantly of calcium carbonate, varieties of which are formed from the skeletons of marine microorganisms and ...
use sinkholes in a sentence. Revise. ... Dissolution of the limestone and dolomite rocks results in karst features such as sinkholes, caves, and springs, ...
Sentence Examples for lime. Use lime to paint the walls. How to use lime in a sentence is shown in this page. Check the meaning of lime.
How to use lime in a sentence. Example sentences with the word lime. lime example sentences.
This style manual and word-usage guide is ... Do not use a period if the items in the list are phrases or incomplete sentences. Use a period ... limestone, light ...
>Limestone is used in buildings and roads. >Limestone can be used in glass making. >Limestone is used in toothpaste. >Limestone is used in cement and mortar.
Looking for sentences or phrases with the word lime? Here are some examples.
How to use limestone in a sentence. Example sentences with the word limestone. limestone example sentences.
Use limestone in a sentence Within was a small chamber, chilly as an ice-house, and walled by Nature with solid limestone that was dewy with a cold sweat.
Looking for sentences or phrases with the word limestone? Here are some examples.
how to use quarry in a sentence. Use imperative in a sentence ... how can i use limestone in construction; how many tons of crushed stone i need in cubic yard;
Define marble: a kind of stone that is often polished and used in buildings and statues — marble in a sentence
Examples of how to use the word lime in a sentence. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available.
Examples of how to use the word limestone in a sentence. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available.