The coalburning industries of eastern Ukraine which emit high levels of sulfur dioxide hydrocarbons and dust have created severe air pollution throughout the region Air quality is particularly poor in the cities of Dnipropetrovsk Kryvyy Rih and Zaporizhzhya
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The overall rate of suicide in the Ukraine is relatively high Official statistics in the Ukraine show that there were 296 suicides per 100000 population in 1998 The frequency of completed suicide differs in the various regions of the country suicides being more frequent in the industrially developed regions and in the rural areas of the
The overall rate of suicide in the Ukraine is relatively high Official statistics in the Ukraine show that there were 296 suicides per 100000 population in 1998 The frequency of completed suicide differs in the various regions of the country suicides being more frequent in the industrially developed regions and in the rural areas of the
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