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Iraq is located in the eastern part of the MENA region It is surrounded by Iran in the east Turkey to the north Syria and Jordan to the west Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to the south and the Gulf to the southeast The total area of Iraq is 438320 km 2 of which 924 km 2 of inland water
In the dryland ecosystems of West Asia and North Africa alone which represent roughly 25 of the global dryland area the historic organic C loss is thought to have been between 6 and 12 Pg Lal
The north region was distinguished by thick forest of oak trees specially the western part of it The whole area covered by thick forests of Christ thorn ziziphus in Jordan Valley and oak trees in the slopes and top mountain the forests contain wild almond styrax carob terebinth and olive trees
The best medium for shoot induction was a MS medium with 1mgl−1 IAA and 2mgl−1 BA Numerous shoot primordia developed within 2–3wk on the leaf margin and the midrib region without any
The countries of Lebanon and Syria are to the north of Israel Jordan is on the east and Egypt is to the southwest Israel also controls the West Bank of the Jordan River Israel has a long coastline on the Mediterranean the south the town of Eilat is on the Gulf of Aqaba which is part of the Red Sea The Galilee is a fertile and mountainous region in the north
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Jan 01 2015· West Asia Region especially TigrisEuphrates alluvial plain has been recognized as one of the most important dust source areas in the world In this paper a method is applied to extract SDS Sand and Dust Storms sources in West Asia region using thematic maps climate and geography HYSPLIT model and satellite images
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It is a very suitable timing to launch Jordan's Third National Communication report on Climate Change which will be submitted to the uNFCCC and then to the international community of
The groundwater quality of TBAs in Asia showed varying characteristics depending on climate geological medium and human activities The regional TBA survey carried out by TWAP Transboundary Water Assessment Programme identified that among 25 TBAs in South Southeast and East Asia almost 50 of the region's TBAs are suitable for human
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Mediumtohigh prevalence of screeningdetected parkinsonism in the urban area of Tehran Iran data from a communitybased doortodoor study SeyedMohammad Fereshtehnejad 1 2 Mdiyeh Shafieesabet 3 Arash Rmani 4 mad Delbari 1 5 and Johan Lökk 1 6
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INVENTORY OF SHARED WATER RESOURCES IN WESTERN ASIA Preface It is our pleasure to present the "Inventory of Shared Water Resources in Western Asia" a joint publication by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia ESCWA and the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources BGR The Inventory is
The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology v í ì í Descriptive profiles for Biomes and Ecosystem Functional Groups David A Keith Jose R Ferrer Emily Nicholson Melanie J